Thank you for visiting.
No, please, I should thank you.
You go first.
I’ll follow.
You’re better at this than I
Skim what you will from the surface, copy and paste at will, and you’ll find no joy in the thought.
I know.
You already told me.
I have but a clue.
Work the surface, tilling a one-dimensional picture devoid of experience, brings another person devoid of life to the stage.
What are you doing here, like that, going through the motions?
Don’t be too hasty
There might be days and nights when our focus is solely on survival. However, sitting around the campfire, feeling grateful to share stories about each other’s day, or gazing at the breathtaking sunset after a long day’s work makes everything seem worthwhile. I wouldn’t trade these moments for anything.
What’s the point of being here, on earth, if we don’t let light into the body’s core, between the pores of skin, between birth and death?
You already told me.
If I don’t get underneath the words, there’ll be no empathy for the journey and no sense of adventure.
Missing spaces
empty places
broken cases
Misplaced faces.
By the time I reached the end, it was too late to do anything about it. To dare to ask the question without dogmatic intents to preach such things, ideals, and holy orders does beg the question. What do you mean by God?
A guide?
As a place of rest, a coming together for prayer and meditation, that temple, church, mosque, and synagogue may encourage and help us channel everlasting, all-encompassing energy that supports the holy order. But they are not the whole of this or that which is omnipresent, which we choose to call God.
Essential as these communal places can be, in and of themselves, call it what you will; this representation is merely a fragment of an almighty presence, a unanimous deity.
I was messed up or politely preoccupied before I got to the door, so I didn’t notice the rhythm till the last minute.
We consider hard, unrelenting work the only way to live a holy, enlightened life.
Given how we covet, worship, glorify, and even exalt fame and fortune, it might seem that way.
Is there judgment either way?
Why does God have to be an intellectual exercise?
There were pearls
on the list
before swine
don’t bother turning up for the party
A freebie
Well, insecurity drives the game, yea,
Get in line
The undying principle
Our drive to the fast lane is a well-groomed lesson,
brought to fruition,
through parenting and the classroom
Institutionalised learning works
Is that so?
Well, it’s not generic!
There are no specifics.
You don’t have a life.
That’s your belief.
Trust the word ‘sometimes’.
Like ‘sometimes’, the sweetest person you could ever want to meet surrounds themselves with a gigantic fortress, ramparts of inaugurations, walls, then more walls of eye-watering riches, the transient onion; layer upon layer of deceit, emblems and demeanour, institutionalised makeup, formed, coded, worn in, over a lifetime.
Our children, like heaven, live and breathe here and now unless we decide otherwise.