Someone said, make a mess
I’m guilty, your honour
had to confess
that’s odd
thought it was me
bit this way, bit that
put the kettle on
I’m going to Picasso
get us a cheese toasty
up and down
the road of kings
me in that tuxedo,
you a top hat
running hot and cold
make mine a double
work, walk and pay
pint and half up the eagle,
was it you in that tuxedo,
in a room with a tub
was it ever legal?
can’t do the math
sounding off like a bugle
his divider screen
and you in the bath
look out
for the water
nearly died from a laugh
give it a good soaking
strip back to frame
cover it a-new
no ones to blame
marbling paper
well overdue
you and the others
up on that top floor
a shallow tray with a view
such work of art
give him his due
courtesy of the
Second Earl of Ham
never covered in shame
magnficent arias
pass us by
like shooting stars
now and then
this stall and that
first day on site
we struggled then laughed
was it you in that tuxedo,
or me in the bath
blew till we cried
came right on the night
we rolled up our sleeves
to put in the graft
went to bed in the end
near where she lay
her place in World’s End
somewhere to unwind
not quite round the bend
I heard someone say
don’t be daft
a lifeline away
come over to mine
the very next day
you sowed a tuxedo
I soaked a bath
cleaned up a storm
tea, a toke
slice of cake on the lawn
we stayed up late
to see in the dawn.